
TCM & CCM for patients on behalf of your hospital


You design the care and we deliver the message.

Hospital Benefits

Avoid Readmissions
With Renova, hospitals see a reduction of costly readmits as well as more compliant and cost effective readmits in the future, avoiding the ER and the high costs and penalties that come with it
Financial Benefits
Reduction in cost for readmits and reimbursement for billing of TCM service provides a new revenue stream for your hospital
  Full Integration
When our TCM program is combined with the CCM program for longer term chronic care management, the result is a fully clinically integrated environment for hospitals and their surrounding providers both affiliated and owned.

Reduce costly readmits and gain revenue with TCM reimbursements.

We provide TCM services for physicians that have patients in our Chronic Care Management program that have been admitted to an inpatient setting.  TCM is initiated with those patients at the time of discharge from the inpatient setting to becoming an outpatient in these instances, the patient will start out as a TCM patient and then will normally get enrolled into a CCM program with their primary care physician.  Renova will subsequently follow them as a CCM patient.


The Renova Difference

Population Management Plan

We work with the hospital to determine the percentage of patients that are served and connected with a provider as well as the population without a primary care physician.  Certain patients that need a specialized level of care post discharge, such as a surgical patient, are also addressed during the population management exercise.


Communication & Coordination of Care

We have both unilateral and bilateral methods of hospital data communication for patient healthcare information (PHI).  by utilizing an integration software tool, we are able to integrate a data exchange that allows for a seamless and well-coordinated action and interaction between us, the physician practice, and the hospital.  Additionally, the tool allows us to know what patients are in an inpatient setting at the hospital, when they are scheduled to be discharged, and a copy of the proposed discharge plan.  It can push the discharge plan information, including pharmaceuticals, to us within 45 minutes of that patient discharge.

“On a regularly scheduled monthly CCM call, a patient expressed her concern about an issue with her eyes but said that she had not looked for assistance.  Renova then contacted the PCP and they wanted to see the patient immediately as this could be a sympton of something serious.”

Janet – Hospital Rep